Aashram 3, the popular crime drama headlined by Bobby Deol, recently started streaming and has been getting positive reviews from the audience and critics. Esha Gupta is the latest addition to the show and has joined the Prakash Jha directed web series as Sonia, the image builder of Bobby's conman turned Godman Baba Nirala.
The actress, whose sexy and hot photos on her social media often go viral, has now revealed in a recent interview about her shocking experience of meeting Godmen in real life. Talking to ETimes, Esha said that she believes in faith and religion, but doesn't believe in Godmen.
"I have met the latter in my life where they have said things like you give us certain money and we will do puja on your behalf and you don’t need to be present for the rituals too. I mean, what kind of puja is this where I can’t be a part of it too?", said the Jannat 2 actress while talking to the media portal.
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